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Parisa Wang

Can’t people with diabetes eat meat? Diabetics can eat these two kinds of meat with confidence

Diabetes, as an endocrine metabolic disease, is mainly caused by insufficient insulin secretion. Blood sugar is the sugar in the blood, mostly glucose. Glucose is an important energy to maintain the activities of cells in various tissues of the human body. Therefore, the functioning of human organs and tissues require normal blood sugar levels.


Once blood sugar rises, it will also lead to diabetes and various complications, seriously threatening personal health. Many people believe that in order to control blood sugar, it is very important to regulate diet. As long as diabetics do not eat meat, they can stabilize blood sugar levels. Is this true?


In fact, for diabetic patients, not eating meat can easily lead to malnutrition and hypoglycemia, which is not conducive to the stability of the condition. To stabilize blood sugar, it is crucial to choose the right meat. So, what kind of meat can diabetics eat?

1.     The Silky or Chinese silk chicken


What is the Silkie chicken (also known as the Chinese silk chicken)? It is a breed of chicken named for its atypically fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk and satin. The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, whereas most chickens have only four. [1]

Silky chicken contains vitamin B2 and vitamin E, which can improve the stress adaptability of diabetic patients, help remove free radicals in the body, protect pancreatic islet cells, promote insulin secretion, lower blood sugar, and quench thirst.

Silky chicken contains copper, which can reduce the concentration of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood and maintain the elasticity of blood vessels. The manganese contained in it can promote the transformation, transportation and excretion of cholesterol in the human body.

How to eat black-bone chicken:

(1) You can smash the silky chicken bones and make soup with the meat for the best nourishing effect. Be careful not to use a pressure cooker, but to stew it in a casserole.

(2) When stewing the chicken, adding some vinegar appropriately can help improve the symptoms of diabetes.

(3) Both silky chicken and shiitake mushrooms have very good nourishing effects. They are suitable for diabetic patients to eat regularly and can supplement rich protein, minerals, and vitamins. When eaten together, they can nourish blood, qi, nourish yin, and control sugar.


(4) Silky chicken will generate heat and moisture inside the body. Diabetic patients with severe skin diseases and symptoms such as fever and cough should not eat it.


2.     Duck Meat

Duck meat contains more B vitamins, which can supplement the B vitamins consumed by patients with type 2 diabetes due to insulin resistance and stabilize blood sugar. Moreover, the zinc in duck meat can enhance the use of glucose by cells, which is beneficial to the stability of blood sugar in diabetic patients.

Duck meat is rich in B vitamins, especially vitamin B1, which can resist beriberi, improve symptoms of diabetic foot patients, and relieve peripheral nerve inflammation.

How to eat duck meat:

(1) Duck meat is cool in nature. It is best to add some warm ingredients when eating, such as wolfberry, etc. to balance its coolness and avoid adverse effects on the gastrointestinal tract of diabetic patients.


(2) Ginger is warm and spicy in nature, warming Yang and appetizing, while duck meat nourishes yin and blood. Eating the two together can promote blood circulation in diabetic patients and play a very good role in maintaining the health of blood vessels.


(3) When choosing duck meat, you should choose duck meat that is thick, firm and shiny. Women with loose stools and scanty menstruation should minimize and eat limited amounts.

Personalized TCM Treatment & Nutritional Support


Unlike Western medicine, TCM is not concerned with measuring and monitoring blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. Treatment is individualized and geared toward assessing and treating the symptoms that compose patterns of deficiency and disharmony.


A vital force of life (called Qi in TCM) is the foundation to health. What is optimum varies from person to person and is dependent on your underlying conditions, your age and health status.


If you have questions about what type of TCM treatment or nutrition plan is best for your body type, we would welcome the opportunity to work with you. For more information on my approach to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), nutrition, check out our blog or check out our bio on the Yan’s Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine website .


To book an appointment, please contact Yan’s Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine Clinic at 647-982-5240 or email us



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